Test Worlds


Hidden within the game files of VOTV, are hundreds of test worlds that each have their own unique purpose in what they test or experiment. However, these worlds cannot be accessed in any normal gameplay mechanic and will require cracking the game.

The naming system for the test levels is relatively simple, each of them are named "untitled_#", with '#' representing the level number.

Test Level Number Description Image
untitled_0 Completely empty test map. Most likely a template for other test maps.
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untitled_1 The main game.
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untitled_2 Vehicle physics and interactions test.
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untitled_3 Server and root console test. Despite there being 6 servers, only 3 show up in a ping, being named Alex1, Blex1, and Clex1.
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untitled_4 Drive box selling test. Has 1 drive box, and 5 empty drives.
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untitled_5 Panel testing. Features 1 drive box, and a tree. The coordinate terminal can't be operated, and no servers are linked to the root console.
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untitled_6 Coordinate panel and server maintenance testing. Features 12 satellites, 9 of which are out of bounds. They are most likely copy and pasted, as they are all named Caspari, Barbel, or Delaina. The signal loading zone (black crescent on the floor) does not load signal models either, despite a successful ping and satellite rotation. All 5 servers are broken on map load.
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untitled_7 ATV terrain collision and interactive item testing. Features an MRE, a Beef Burger, 3 Gas cans, 3 Broken servers, an ATV, randomly placed rocks, a signal loading zone, and a coordinate panel with no satellites to rotate.
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untitled_8 Click to find out more!
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untitled_9 Door testing. Features a single door.
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untitled_10 Physics item testing. Features 8 gas cans with no code, meaning they can't refuel the ATV.
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untitled_11 An extremely dark variation of untitled_10, this time with a few codeless data drives.
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untitled_12 Another empty test map.
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untitled_13 Ship Engine test. It also comes with a console, but it doesn't have a debug command to manually trigger the event. The Rozital Ship Event doesn't emit any ambiance either, unlike it's regular appearance in the main game.
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untitled_14 Another empty test map.
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untitled_15 ATV refuel testing. Features a useless coordinate panel, a laptop, 3 ATVs, one at 100 fuel, one at 50 fuel, and one at 25 fuel. The laptop, when this level was implemented, didn't have much of a use either, as the solar upgrade wasn't implemented.
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untitled_16 Garage door test. The button to operate the garage has collision.
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untitled_17 Telescope test. there's also a point light infront of the telescope, illuminating the floor slightly. The chair in the image was spawned in, as Dr. Kel is too short to use the telescope properly in this level.
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untitled_18 A horde of Cursed Argemia Plushies follow you around. They switch to a standing variant for a few frames when you look at them, then quickly reset to a sitting position. There's also some text that says ASDASAD, all 4 variants of the Argemia Plushies (Red, Blue, Green, Red Shirtless), and 2 ATVs, one of them being the older version that had the fuel as green text on the handlebars.
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untitled_19 Signal refining test. A power block is to the side of it, which is used for testing how it behaves when the power is cut or turned back on.
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untitled_20 Signal playback test. Features 12 data drives, with special signals inside of them. To the right of the playback console is a power block.
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untitled_21 This level contains a feature that is being considered added in the future, the fusion reactor. It has its own custom panel and everything. So far there isn't anything you can do with it except look at it. But nevertheless it's still being considered in the making.
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untitled_22 Updated drive selling/item buying test. Features an error model, a shipping crate, some drives with boxes to go into, a laptop, and a house of pallets.
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untitled_23 Sleep fastforwarding test. The yellow arrow dictates the position of the moon, the green arrow dictates the default spawning position of the moon, and the red arrow has an unknown function, and never moves.
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untitled_24 Satellite test. Features nothing but this single satellite, named alfa.
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untitled_25 Argemia Plush feeding test. Has 1 plushie of each type, a debug button to spawn a pack of shrimp, a signal playback console, a laptop, and a massive pile of shrimp far to the left of the playback console.
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untitled_26 New coffee machine test. Has a few coffee bags, a few empty cups, a few cups full of coffee, a coffee machine, a bunch of terminals, a signal model loading zone, an ambient light, and a few drives with data on them.
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untitled_27 Click to find out more!
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untitled_28 A test level for various systems. Has various white poles behind the player, a Playback, Denoising, Coordinate, and Filtering terminal, 3 trash cans, some miscellaneous items, a bed, a signal model loading zone, a custom telescope zone with a Rozital construction around a black hole instead of mars, a laptop, and a schizophrenic hallucination of an Argemia plushie that constantly teleports around the player unpredictably.
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untitled_29 Crowbar testing level, featuring a whole bunch of destructible objects. the shipping crates use old code, meaning using alt+e on them just deletes them from the world instantly, playing a wood breaking sound, and not dropping a single gib or item.
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untitled_30 Achievement testing. features 2 red Argemia Plushies, a bunch of shrimp, 2 UE triggers that trigger progress on an achievement called "Counter", and 1 UE trigger that unlocks "The Hole" achievement. It also automatically triggers the Ariral Ship Scan Event on spawn.
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untitled_31 A bunch of breakable props, and an ATV falls and breaks a mannequin. It also has 10 broken servers, and some assorted repair/shield CDs infront of you to fix them with. An UE trigger to the left of you gives you the advancements for completing day 1 and 2. Guessing from said trigger, this map was going to test advancements for breaking a certain amount of props and using CDs, but both advancements were ultimately cut.
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untitled_32 A slightly dark map for testing a few new additions for the version it was made for. It has all the terminals for collecting signals, but no satellites to communicate with. It also features a breakable supply box, and a garbage bin.
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untitled_33 Another breakable prop test. This time, a giant column of supply boxes drop from the sky, with pretty much none of them breaking because of their notorious titanic amounts of health. The same can't be said for the poor pallet below them. The object to Kel's right is an incredibly fragile shipping crate, that breaks from the slight drop it experiences upon the map loading.
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untitled_34 Directional sign testing. Features a comically large battery and some junk on the ground.
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untitled_35 Tests cameras and what surfaces their smart stick can attach them to.
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untitled_36 Woodchipper testing. This map was made back when it used a temporary model of a coffee machine, but the entity has been updated to use the regular model, so the change applied globally.
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untitled_37 SCP-432 testing. Also used for testing the portal effect in general.
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untitled_38 Minimap tracker item testing.
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untitled_39 Spotlight testing.
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untitled_40 Carpet deformation testing. Also has a radioactive container.
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untitled_41 More woodchipper testing. You spawn on a big pyramid of supply boxes.
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untitled_42 Click to find out more!
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untitled_43 General feature testing. The satellite is named alfa, lowercase intended.
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untitled_44 Antibreather testing. The ERROR used to be a little anperfysium ball frame, named "ABfriend" in the files.
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untitled_45 Miscellaneous item testing. Features an extremely bright burger collectible, a bed, a laptop, a barrel and crate, a barely visible ABfriend, and a hole in the floor.
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untitled_46 ATV Damage test. Has a toolbox at the bottom.
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untitled_47 Drone calling panel and glowstick test. Features a nice grass ground.
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untitled_48 New skybox testing. Features an ominous pillar to test shadows.
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untitled_49 Glue test. Glue is a currently unused item, and functions similarly to the Half-Life 2 beta's physgun weld joints, in that it connects a free moving ball joint between 2 props.
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untitled_50 Antibreather AI test. Attacks the player.
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untitled_51 Antibreather climbing ability test, camera placement on curved surfaces test, event sleep blocker test, and 2 guns attached to an ATV, that fire 2 goldenrocks at a time.
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untitled_52 Insomniac base model entity test. As well as an orange anti-ATV wall in one of the boxes that blocks the ATV from moving in.
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untitled_53 Paintings test.
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untitled_54 Drone test.
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untitled_55 Ariral Ship Event animation test. The white button to the right spawns in the ship as invisible and the button to the left is used to make it appear.
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untitled_56 When loaded up, all level 56 presents is a dark blank screen with nothing. However, when looking around the player is actually facing in front of the Space Invaders Arcade screen.
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untitled_57 Arcade machine test.
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untitled_58 Skeleon Halloween special test. After some time of loading up the level, the two skulls will disappear and the screen for the Skeleon Halloween special will show up with all of its animations and such.
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untitled_59 Another Halloween special only this time, pumpkins. 13 glowing red pumpkins will show up and 4 more will fall from the sky. A message will state you need to collect all 13 pumpkins for something spooky, however once you've collected all 13 pumpkins nothing seems to happen. There is an ATV, Arcade machine, a Command, Coordinate, and Sonar terminal, 2 trash cans, some miscellaneous items, a laptop, a signal model loading zone, and some unusable gas cans.
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untitled_60 Ladder test. But it also features a TV, basketball hoops, and other miscellaneous items.
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untitled_61 Click to find out more!
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untitled_62 Roomba test. Also features the new drone dropoff box.
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untitled_63 Worst Ending test. Spawns in the evil and triggers the Worst ending cutscene.
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untitled_64 General testing. Vehicle's ability to climb, drive racks, doors, ladders, and burger.
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untitled_65 Water splash animaton test. It also tests items' floating ability or the ability to float on water.
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untitled_66 Water flow animation test and the ability for objects and items to flow along with the river.
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untitled_67 Another Ship Engine test. It doesn't appear to be different than that of untitled_13.
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untitled_68 Ayyy Lmao addition. Tests the little prop's ability to turn and move around when not being looked out.
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untitled_69 Immovable water test.
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untitled_70 Night vision goggle test. This will test how light and each item or object will react and look while wearing the night vision goggles.
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untitled_71 Kerfus test, testing on it's ability to pathfind around doorways, open up doorways, and navigating around obstables. And the Kerfus face projector is also shown. There is a hole that Kerfus falls into.
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untitled_72 Another Kerfus test, this time testing it's ability to climb, it also has an added camera view option in the laptop, and it will continue to travel to the Kerfus face projector. And there are 2 new colors for the Kerfus available. The camera is also a new addition.
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untitled_73 Ariral Treehouse addition, tests the different stages and parts of the Ariral Treehouse throughout the days. Throughout each stage various items and objects can be found: Arirlight, Arirphone, Arirheater, pillows, night goggles, and sometimes scraps of paper and shrimp. There is a white button but it's purpose is unknown.
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untitled_74 This test level includes the Ariral Treehouse, 3 new sounds with the Playback terminal, ATV, and some miscellaneous items.
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untitled_75 Another Kerfus test, this time testing it's ability to navigate around a satellite dish.
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untitled_76 A coffee cup test, to test it's ability to rejuvenate the player. And it also includes a new sound on another drive that displays a red image.
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untitled_77 Balloon test.
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untitled_78 Base model for the main base in the 51 map. It also includes the sirenhead post.
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untitled_79 Ariral slapper test, tests the Ariral's ability to pick up items and to throw them at the player and as well as it's ability to slap the player. There is a room that is covered with a pile boxes presumably to test the Ariral's ability to punch through.
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untitled_80 Delivery drone picking up drive box and dropping off supply crate animation test. You can put in the drives and paper into and onto the box for the delivery drone to pick up.
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untitled_81 Drballsack test, features a new entity that shoots out dirt balls and chases down the player. It is unknown if this will ever be added to the main game.
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untitled_82 Another Kerfus test, tests the Kerfus' ability to unlock doors using the keypad.
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untitled_83 Click to find out more!
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untitled_84 Features the new radio item, 2 large white boxes, the invisible rock, model parts of the terminal, burgers and trashcan falling from the sky, and a new signal.
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untitled_85 Basalt Pillars test. Tests it's growing ability and as well as it's breakable property.
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untitled_86 A dark black screen that doesn't do anything, even using the debug camera won't do or show anything.
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untitled_87 Click to find out more!
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untitled_88 General fixes and tests. Updated the hitbox of the player to fit through the small crevices and some more. Adds in the AB Plush, rubber duck, and a white spherical prop.
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untitled_89 Fossilhound test, by firing the Ariral gun towards the Fossilhounds, the Fossilhounds will stand up and start chasing the player and begin aggressively attacking the player.
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untitled_90 Command console in a empty test map.
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untitled_91 Level 91 does not exist, for some strange reason in both the game and its files level 91 doesn't exist. Its possible the developers skipped count and moved on.
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untitled_92 Hook test, and password changer test.
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untitled_93 A giant rainbow circle, Kerfus, and ATV. This appears to have no purpose.
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untitled_94 Maxwell test, tests the music and it's random spawn ability.
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untitled_95 This level has a chicken nugget, two ATVs, a command console, a tall ladder, fuel, and a misplaced wall. Its purpose is unknown.
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untitled_96 Hammer test, green pinecone addition, includes a lot of trees and shrimps, some of the terminals, Arir gun, disks, MREs, a Kerfus and it's updated face projector.
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untitled_97 Radioactive Capsule test, tests it's ability to generate a static type of noise like a geiger counter depending the distance of the player. It is also an EMF detector test. There is a strange black spherical object that is present in one of the corners of the map. It can be moved around and is relatively light. It is unknown what it's purpose is.
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untitled_98 Fridge test. Tests it's ability to teleport to the player and crash their game.
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untitled_99 Adds 3 new ground types: grass, gravel, and stone. As well as experimenting which color of the objects above matches with the specified ground type the most. There is some gray carpet.
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untitled_100 This level includes a red spherical outline which causes the player to ragdoll uncontrollably, a stretched out burger, red mushrooms that disappear as soon as you look slightly away from them and that do not appear anywhere in the main game. And an Arir light in one corner of the map, its unknown what purpose this level serves. And the patreon list is broken and appears halfway above the top of the screen and in the left side of the screen.
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untitled_101 Brownie Trail Event test, tests the animation in which the Ariral knocks on the door, runs and drops a bunch of brownies in a trail, and eventually ends with a massive pile of brownies plus a note. The path used for this test is exactly that of the path used for crossing the bridge, between some trees and rocks, and eventually ending up at the specified spot.
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untitled_102 A bunch of shrimp, used for feeding the nuclear doll for the Sandbox Ariral Achievement.
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untitled_103 Mushroom test, tests the mushroom's random spawn ability, its edibility, and its hitbox.
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untitled_104 Click to find out more!
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untitled_105 Extremely darkened environment test, to see how drone cameras, spotlights, and lights react.
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untitled_106 The two Ariral models, as well as other miscellaneous items.
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untitled_107 Warped and changed versions of the Ariral models as well as a window cleaning test using a sponge.
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untitled_108 Ariral Vent Break-in Event test.
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untitled_109 Wendigo appearing and dropping bones test, as well as several other new props: water guns, debug sponge, and an updated version of the Ariral model. There are several other random props that are just there for purely random reasons.
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untitled_110 Portal test, to test the SCP-432's ability to portal the player into a specific room. Also to test how objects interact while being teleported through the portal as well. And the Wendigo shows up randomly.
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untitled_111 Rufus test, includes doors, boxes, and other obstacles for testing his pathfinding ability to the player. And there is a command console used for stopping the Rufus.
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untitled_112 Cockroach test, there are burgers and a cockroach nest, they will eat anything off the ground and grow bigger. The max size for a Cockroach is also available. And a limestone block test which tests its ability to be dug from the ground using a the shovel and green marker which is located near the lights. And brick textured objects that start out as invisible but eventually build up layer by layer to their full shape. There is also the Cursed Spider that teleports around the player in quick intervals.
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untitled_113 Wolfgang test, his movement, segment connections, and his pathfinding ability. There is a ramp to test his climbing ability as well.
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untitled_114 Another blank test map.
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untitled_115 New fence test, new models for Playback terminal, Sonar, and Computer, some added props, new Ariral container, Tp Chamber model, Bomb Shelter door, Kerfus update, Rorschach Test, and a burger test.
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untitled_116 LSD effect test, bodybag prop, Tp Chamber event test, new Ariral model, modified Playback, Processing, Filtering, and Coordinate terminals, a whole bunch of added props, and a satelite dish, Bravo.
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untitled_117 Level 117 is broken and does not exist.
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untitled_118 Introduces couches, tons of added model and texture updates for props, a constantly exploding Argemia Plush, Deer Entity test including both dead and alive, Updated Alien Command test, a lot of small cubes, Generators and Transformers test, power line prop, explosions and fire test, new slav model test, microwave test, Arir gun revamp, sitting test, and the models for the Playback, Coordinates, Filtering, and Processing terminals fully finished.
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untitled_119 Flower foilage test, a couple prop model remakes, mirror block test, more sitting props, and a giant microwave.
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untitled_120 Item box delivery test, Arir gun animation test, mirror test, and pure gold ingots.
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untitled_121 An entire line of props, this level is only dedicated to testing updated models and textures of the props displayed. It also features some added props such as the 3d printer, some mat props, pipe and wire props, and a couple others.
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untitled_122 This level features an ATV, ATV wheel, Maxwell, beacon, some servers, a satellite dish named Alfa, a burger, a soccer ball, and a Processing terminal.
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untitled_123 Obelisk Event animation test, all Piramid Entity model versions, white terrain globes, and supply boxes for physics test.
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untitled_124 Poster test including the hidden ones, added edible flesh prop, some new decoration props, thiccfus plush, a church structure, a cone that triggers the EMF detector, Rufus Entity update, Killer Wisp Entity, and some added gun props.
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untitled_125 Click to find out more!
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untitled_126 A lot of fun props added, waspnest and its digging trigger added, hazmat suit addition, White Door addition, also features 7 skulls, Tp chamber, shrimp, a water block, all 5 consoles and terminals, and a Maxwell.
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untitled_127 Added 5 Other Argemia Plushies, a small parkour test for the white Argemia, and what seems to be a lava/water puzzle.
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untitled_128 Cliff props test, Abandoned Well props test, grenade and landmine test, a white box that has Kel repeat the words "Oh fiddlesticks! What now?" over and over, dead corpse, a punching bag, and two floating props.
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untitled_129 Click to find out more!
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untitled_130 An empty level with 3 medium fully animated UFOs with 1 large one above that disappears and reappears in random spots. You are given a camera and computer.
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untitled_131 Features rapidly ragdolling old Kel model, sticker test, a strange green tile, 3 kerfuses, a couple added props, an updated model of the Generator, a bunch of servers, a room with a drone and poster inside, and a bunch of random props.
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untitled_132 A satelite dish named Alfa and a giant stone brick structure that doesn't appear to serve any purpose.
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untitled_133 A bunch of misplaced servers, Kerfus AI test, green versions of Duende Entities dotting the entire level, added tree models, a giant snippet of land of a lake surrounded by trees, with a log that once crawled through teleports you to the flying one above, updated White Door structure including its portal ability and illusion, illusions test, giant pink gems, updated 3d printer, a Maxwell, giant microwave, a Firewisp, and a ton of random props.
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untitled_134 Includes a handful of props such as all the variations of cardboard boxes, all three variations of the Physics Gun, upgraded storage props with significantly more storage than before, temperature gun, renovated nails and hammer, there are sticks, rocks, blueprint, and an remade crafting table to test new crafting system, more tree props including stumps, plant props, burned props, and a small lake structure with the mainplayer duplicated there. There is also a grey moving gear machine that doesn't do anything.
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untitled_135 A fully fleshed out map that includes paved roads, trees, natural terrain, natural plants, and powerlines. There is a Wooded Shack structure that has a dead corpse inside of it. There is also a mainplayer duplication near the shack. There is an ATV. Below the entire map is a flatground with a bunch of randomly placed plants and trees.
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untitled_136 Cord and plug test, slides test including texture and hitbox, some rocks and gascans, there is also Wolfgang.
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untitled_137 Conveyor belt test, garbage test, popcorn addition, water disabling ATV function test, sponge wash walls test, and a bunch of random props.
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untitled_138 Fish addon, bucket holding water addition, a gun that fires fish, sponge cleaning the window update, and more blocks of water.
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untitled_139 More variants of the fish added, still water and moving water test, some MREs and gascans, and an ATV.
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untitled_140 Billboards test, pencil and drawing paper function added, ball of yarn also added, and some other props.
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untitled_141 Level 141 does not exist, for some strange reason in game it cannot be loaded up as it causes the game to crash.
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untitled_142 Blood skeleton test, a bunch of cleaning props test, keycards test, treasure chest test, fishing gear and mechanic test, a hexagon shaped hole, blood splattered test, megamesh garbage, flesh, and scraps test, garbage bag test, updated Maxwell, ritual rune creation test, Ritual Altar test including its structure, rune placement, stab mechanics, and the Lambert Plush spawn, a comet rifle, Gray Boar Entity test, a heavy metallic ball that can damage you if it rolls over you, beware the ball will crush the Gray Boar Entity so you must stop it from happening or you won't get the entity, and a bunch of random props.
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untitled_143 Piramid AI test, Evil Lambert Test.
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untitled_144 As soon as you spawn into this darkened level with a forest of trees, multiple Black Foglings spawn and quickly disappear. This level features all variations of the Omega Kerfurs and ways of obtaining it, changes some things with the Maxwell and Argemwell, and a bunch of random props.
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untitled_145 This level mainly consists of a bunch of powerline cables and poles. It has a ramped shaped white blocks and 2 large checker boarded blocks. It also features Tentacle Balls addition, Soltomia update, moving ladders test, and an immovable Omega Kerfur.
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untitled_146 Lots of random props, features editable colored Omega Kerfurs, Kerfuses, and glowsticks. It also features editable posable mannequins, a shelf addition, and RGB versions of most of the props. There is also just a random Tentacle Ball Entity walking around.
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untitled_147 A completely white level with a foldable chair and a structure of the Wooded Shack.
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untitled_148 A white pillar in the middle of the level, a bunch of items to test different crafting recipes including the cheese roll and the rock tool.
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untitled_149 A sea of red water or bloody colored water.
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untitled_150 Radioactive damage test, Ariral Prank #2 Event, Omega Kerfur clothing test, and planks sub-structure.
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untitled_151 New main base model test.
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untitled_152 Click to find out more! VOTV Archive Image
untitled_153 Contains, slippery substances test, as well as some tacks, breakable Kerfur, some invisible trolling paper aliens, new graffiti art, elevator test, a ton of new and old props, and Rozital Event
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untitled_154 Contains Furfur alter structure props, some base and outside structure props, paper alien troll test, some new graffiti art, concept model for Rozital beacon, new blood splat, and a punching bag functionality.
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untitled_155 Contains tons of the Kavotia entity, laser guns, test for Rozital beacon and projector, and a random assortment of items to test the lasers on.
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untitled_156 Contains, Arir air impulse boxes to keep certain objects in a spot, cryptominer test including rig, gpus, and fans, anti-gravity gun, warp arrow toy update, a car, some more structure props, bricks, and some props. VOTV Archive Image
untitled_157 Contains meat slabs test, coin gun, drives with different popups, a pulley system, updated kitchen, and a couple other props.
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untitled_158 Vending machines, live Erie Plush update, seperated Rozital beacons, drives with different popup icons over them, a ton of added props, a couple structures, firewisp, Ritual Altar, and a flamethrower.
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untitled_159 Blood splatter test, exploding puffball mushrooms, and updated Rozital projector.
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untitled_160 Small room with 3 colored Argemia Plushies with their colored respective lights behind them.
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untitled_161 It is raining in this level. There is some random items, this level appears to have no purpose.
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